lunes, noviembre 13, 2006

Dear friends,

Last day, I was watching on TV a documentary about how popular is nowadays the system for meeting people on line. They were talking about the millions and millions of options that internet offer to you , and apart from it, now you can also to work at home, to buy, to make the procedures with your bank, to travel ( virtually, of course ) , etc and you can "also" practice “virtually sex” without move your bottom from your chair and your face from your computer. I was listening and when it finished I thought : what kind of people we are creating ?. If we don’t go out neither go shopping , if we only make friend through internet by chat ( where is easy to tell lies because you can’t see their eyes ), if you don’t have the obligation of thinking what I should wear today to go working ( if you are at home to can wear a pyjama all the day ) o what I may cook today ? If you main worry is to connect your computer and to buy your lunch. What kind of “androids” the society is creating ? . If you check , especially at the cities, every day many people are walking along the street with the “ automatic pilot”. People practically are not mixed with other ones. How many people are living in the same place for years and they don’t know their neighbours? The internet phenomenon is great but … in fact we have won more than we have lost ? I don’t know, sometimes I’m frightened how fast is going on everything. I get the feeling that a lot of technology, rather than help us , it is causing that people go back and to become much solitaries. It’s a pity thing because they are a lot of people for who their computer is their best friend…. can you believe it ? My advice is , if you are these kind of people that are beginning to be up of your computer , go out and try to meet people . I know that sometimes it’s difficult but when you achieve it you will see that it quite different and nice than to talk them by internet because you will change impressions with someone who you can smile, to look , etc better than with someone of who you can’t say his or her eyes’ colours Or , of course I know that is more expensive to go around the world than with your computer but the feeling … per exemple :

can you feel the smell of these flowers ?


or could you explain the sensations of being in the middle of the desert....

In short, not put limits to your world, there are a lot of wonderful things outside your rooms to look and to feel.

Well, as I always said , this is my oppinion and I'd be happy to receiving your ones.

See you in class



At 16:29, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi aire,

Interesting post, but I would like to add some ideas.

I agree with you there are people who use too much computers, Inetrent, video games, TV... and it can became a bad disease. But I think it is not the problem of the computers, Internet, video games, TV... it is the problem that probably this people would have with any other thing.

There are people who abuse of driving, eating, drinking, sleeping, practising sport, doing anything.

Computers and Internet can improve and make easier our life. It can make disappear queues by improving services, something most of people hate. Make easier old people life. Improve communication so that reduce journeys and accordingly reduce polution caused by this journeys.

People can acces more easily to culture and knowledgement.
People with discapacity can find their lifes really improved.
Development and researching can be very improved, so medicine, for example, can make progress faster.
Even it is been demostrated playing with video games is good to children for develop their development.

But, as everything on the world, if we use in a bad way or abuse of computers and Internet, for sure it will be a bad way for us.

At 07:30, Blogger Ladybird said...

Hi Aire. Very interesting post!
About two years ago I watched a TV report related to your post. The report was about a new psychology illness which was spreading in Japan, specially on teenagers. Many teenagers who spent many hours playing with computers or video games were losing proggresively their relation capacity to other people. Most of them were closed on their bedrooms and they only went out from their bedroom for lunch. It was an horrible story because some of them had suicided themselves. Fortunately I haven´t seen any story like that here in Spain. The Internet has probably been one of the best things we have had in the last years and it also offers to you many new posibilities of doing things. You can meet people from other countries, you can share oppinions, you can take information about almost everything, but, as you say, we cannot forget that it’s a virtual world. So we must remember those who have forgotten that it exists a wonderful real world there outside. For some people (specially teenagers) with personality problems, the Internet is the perfect way to meet peole showing them what you want to show (only our qualities and none of our faults) so those people usually prefer to forget about the “cruel” real world. Probably those people should have to accept themselves as they are.

At 11:11, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Good job! You are also an active commentator. Thanks! That is the way!!! There are a few mistakes but you do communicate and you dare say things which might be difficult, so, GOOD JOB! Some of the mistakes could have been avoided. Just pay attention

Here are some things I'd like to comment. You say:

-that internet offer to you
-apart from it
-now you can also to work at home, to buy, to make the procedures with your bank, to travel
-practice “virtually sex
-without move
-what kind of people we are creating ?
-where is easy
-if you are at home to can wear
- o what
-If you main worry is
-What kind of “androids” the society is creating ?
-People practically are not mixed with other ones.
-in fact we have won more than we have lost ?
-I’m frightened how fast is going on everything.
-I get the feeling that a lot of technology, rather than help us , it is causing that people go back and to become much solitaries
-It’s a pity thing because they are a lot of people
--that it quite different and nice than to talk them by internet
-with someone who you can smile, to look
-In short, not put limits to your world

I'd say:
-that internet offers you
-apart from that...
-now you can also work at home, buy, make the procedures with your bank, travel ...
-practice sex virtually OR virtual sex
-what kind of people are we creating ?
-without moving
-where it is easy
-if you are at home you can wear
- or what
-If your main worry is
-What kind of “androids” is our society is creating...?
-People do not practically mix with other people.
-in fact, have we won more than we have lost ?
-I’m frightened because everything is going so fast.
-I get the feeling that technology, rather than helping us, it is causing people going backwards and becoming too solitary...
-It’s a pity because there are a lot of people...
-that it's quite different and nicer than talking to them on the internet
--with someone you can smile, look at...
-In short, do not limit your world...

Please, edit your text and correct your mistakes. Thanks!

At 11:48, Blogger kayser_soze_ said...

Hi aire,

In my opinion, you've written a very good post. You talk about a very interesting topic. But there are some things that I don't agree with you. I think that Internet could be a very good complement to talk with some friends abroad or to find out trips or information about a film. I think that everything in this world could be bad in excess but nowadays the problem it’s not so big.

See you at class.

At 19:06, Anonymous Anónimo said...

I agree that there are people who make bad use of new technologies, it seems as they were loosing the time who has been given to them. But not everyone is doing that, there are good examples to think we can manage better internet, computers, ipots, mobile phones, and so on. We all have to learn everyday about that themes, is good to know there are people who worry that.

Best Regards.



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