sábado, mayo 12, 2007


Finally, today I am going to write about my trip to Egypt.

This will be my last blog. It has been a nice experience although I think that unfortunately it hasn’t served me too much because I believe that I’m going to repeat 4 level and I don’t know what will happen with my English because if I must repeat……… but anyway already I want to write about Egypt.

My trip began in Aswan and I was going down until Cairo doing scales in several places.

My first visit was Abu Simbel.

This temple was rescued since, if not, due to the construction of the prey It had been covered by water of the Nile. The sun only enters until the end of the temple ( they can’t explained how the ancients Egyptians obtained this effect ) the 21 of February (the day that Rameses raised to the throne and my birthday’s day ) and the 21 of October (the day of his death).

The temple of Kom Ombo is located on a promontory in a curve of the Nile. The oldest king whose name appears in the temple is Ptolomeo. The temple is dedicated to two tríadas (union of three Gods) of divinities: Sobek, Hathor and Khons (Horus the older). I can explain you but it is impressive….

My following visit was the temple of Horus (the God falcón). This temple is the one that better conserved and important in Egypt after of Karnak’s temple. It’s 137 meters long by 79 of wide and 36 of height and ..... It's impressive.

My following visit was the Temple of Karnak. This temple consists of the great temple of Amón, some smaller temples, chapels and the holy lake. All the set is surrounded by a wall by of 8 meters of thickness and 2400 of perimeter. It has 8 stone doors two of them are monumentals. The temple is preceded by an avenue of esfinges formed by 40 esfinges with sheep head.

My following visit was my preferred Temple, the Temple of Luxor. This temple was built by two Pharaohs , Amenhotep III and Rameses II. In the entrance we can see the famous sedentes statues of Rameses II, the courtyard has 55 meters and is impressive ..... precious….( I suppose that you can note that Egypt is one of my passions ) .

My following visit was the Temple of Hathshepsut that unfortunately is known because over there was where the slaughter of tourist by the integrists . Also it's impressive.

Later I visited the Colossuses of Memnon ...... With this photo you can see how huge they are ….

The Valley of the Kings where I visited several tombs.

And finally the Cairo. When we were visiting the pyramids a sand storm surprised us… in this photo you can’t appreciate it very well but I couldn’t breathe nor almost see. For that reason I was wearing a scarf covering my face.

In Cairo

I visited the museum of the Cairo… although it is a pain that most of their antiques are distributed between Paris and London. Also I visited the Mosque’s Alabaster that was finished in 1848 and is totally covered of alabaster; for that reason it is called with this name. It has a small square tower on which there is a clock, gift of Luis - Felipe in 1846. Also I visited the Khan-a Bazaar - the Khalili that is very amused and I smoked the typical pipe of there in a very typical coffee that is called the Coffee of the Mirrors.

Later on I visited Menfis and Sakakara, where there is the stepped pyramid.

An also I visited Alexandria

This is one of President of Egipt’s house……… in Alexandria

Alexandria's coastal

the Alexandria's Library (fantastic place and very very interesting )

and the catatumbas where it said that Alexandro Magno is buried ...... I saw many bones but I can’t assure that one of them belong to him……

In short it was a wonderful trip, people are nice and I think I will visit Egipt again because my trip has been a week and it is needed more time to visit everything more thoroughly.

Thanks to all of you for visiting and leaving notes on my blog. It has been a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can have the opportunity to be altogether next year in 5 level .....

A lot of kisses


jueves, abril 26, 2007

Hello friends,

I’m preparing my comments about my trip to Egipt but the problem is that I don’t have available all the photos , I have about 1.300 …. and I want to check the best to put some of them on my blog. I think in a week more or less I will have prepared this new comment.

Today , I’d like to write about my cousin Lucia . I suppose you remember about her because I wrote a comment of her when She was born six months ago. Now She has grown up and She’s very very very pretty as you can see on the below photo:

She’s always laughing and never cries .

Here , She’s with her mother Yolanda

She is very pretty and nice , isnt’ ?

See you in class ,


sábado, abril 21, 2007


I know that I haven’t written for a long time on my blog but I had been very very very very busy …..

I just returned from Egypt. I have been there for a week and it was fantastic.

In a few days I will have available the photos and I will put them on my blog along with a explanation of the trip. I can advance you that ( to the date ) It has been one of the experiences more wonderful that I have had in my life . This country and their fantastic people transport you to the ancient Egypt and , in fact, is quite difficult to explain the feeling , you must go there .

Sorry about my English but I only have slept 4 hours.

See you in class,


viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

Hi classmates,

I’m very worry and upset because yesterday we did exams of writing, reading , listening and I don’t understand why but It’s quite difficult for me to write a comment on a piece of paper instead to do it on my blog. I’m sure that I had done a lot of mistakes, because, due to the fact that It was a exam and I knew it I felt under preassure. The difference is that when I’m writing on my blog , I’m alone in my bedroom thinking only in the matter that I want to transmit you and not about the marks that I have obtained. In short , I need to practice my writing style and the way to improve it , it’s writing and writing and reading and reading . But It’ll be starting from next year !!!! Because I need some calm days for relaxing my mind, since in these months, I have had so much new information or knowledge apart from the ones I had in my brain’s stock and I must leave some space and also to check which one I must delete and one I must keep, if not, I won't be able to learn much new things next year …. and I know this new year will be quite difficult , why ?, because, we are in fourth level and we have to obtain a very good level during this year , since , next level is the last one !!!!. Well, I’m not sure if I’ll past this course or not ……. I’d like because my classmates are fantastic and I’d like to finish my English lesson with them but…..It’ll depend on how I improve my English . Well , I’ll try it .

Although I suppose, I’ll write something during Christmas days , but just in case I don’t it…… I’d like to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THE BEST FOR THE NEW YEAR and be careful with the excess during these days ok ?



sábado, noviembre 25, 2006

Dear Friends,

This week , I didn’t know about what to comment on my blog and I remembered about a news that I watched on TV yesterday. It was about the visit of Mr. Bush to Vietnam. Their welcome was correct, because the Vietnamese are very pacific and hearty,

in spite of the fact that both countries “shared” and continue on nowadays sharing bad memories. There are a lot of Vietnamites that are suffering terrible malformations due to the Orange Gas which was thrown by USA during the Vietnam war to eliminate the Vietcom and , of course , what to say about the American’s veteran who are suffering , apart of malformations, amputates and in my opinnion the worse thing “ terrible nightmare “ .

This summer, I went to Vietnam. My trip started in the North ( communist side ) and I was going down till the South ( capitalist side ) of the country. I visited one of the museum they have addressed to the war, you could notice how bad can be the human because it’s not understood what things could cause so much hatred for doing such atrocity. The thing which more impressed me was a photo of a mountain of dead people . At the top of the mountain, there were three pregnant women and next to them there were two babies who their mam were embrace . I couldn’t avoir to cry till my visit end, and I’d like to add that It’s not easy for me to cry ; I considered myself a very strong person. But , I think it’s good to see these things , so that , people deliberate or think about this dark side that all of us have and which we must try to dominate to avoir that things were repeated again. I know it’s a quite difficult thing ( see Irak, Palestina..... ) , but I want to think that nowadays there are more people become aware than before, who thinks that with violence only we can get much violence and nothing else.

Well , I’d like to write about the good of my trip because there were a lot of wonderful experiences . As I’ve commented before, my trip started in the North , exactly in Hanoi. Despite Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, there are much difference between it and Ho Chi Minh which is the business capital. In Hanoi you can’t practically find a home where there is water and more of them neither have light during the whole day , only six or seven hours per day. For that reason, it’s very normal to see people cleaning their hair outside their house in the middle of the street.

The infrastructures are quite bad ( except the sides where the hotels or museum, or turistic places are ) . The street markets are quite precarious.

However , in Ho Chi Minh ( Saigon ) you can find the best shops like Guchi, and Mango ( yes !!! there is a Mando shop in Saigon ) or fantastic hotels, etc.

In Hanoi the most popular transport to go from one place to another one is the motorbike .

The first day , when I arrived , I was a little frightened because there were in thousands

and when you wanted to cross the street you had to pass between them . There are traffics lights but it’s a rule of them ( only in Hanoi ) that people cross the street without bearing in mind the traffic light . Of course their speed is not like the speed we have in Barna and always when they find in from of them a pedestrian, they reduce and wait till you cross the street. But the first impression you have is AHHHHHHHH!!! !!!!!. As my comment is quite long ... and I don’t want to get bored you , next week I’d follow with more things and photos ok ? Because I have wonderful photos of the Halong Bay:

or the floating Market:

and of course the Mecong River:

and fantastic views of Danang, Hu or the jungle, etc:

In my next presentation , I’m going to comment you about some funny anecdotes and also I’m going to explain about one of my past drag. It means that when I visit other places I always make good use of my trip and I try to achieve a thing which to cause me a drag like my panic to the crocodile .... Did you remenber about the comment I did of Costa Rica ?

I hope you've enjoyed with my comment,

See you in classe,


jueves, noviembre 23, 2006


I tried to translate a spanish joke....
A sparrow from Bilbao was flying very fast through a motorway. In that moment, a motorcyclist passed too close and to gave him a real bash with his crash helmet. The man went back and checked if the poor bird was ok or not . He realized that it was still alive and felt sorry about the poor animal. He picked the bird up and to put him inside a cage with some water and a little bread . The guy left home and went to the hospital because He had some wound . When the sparrow was awoken a little stunned and check he is behind bars with some water and a little bread he take his wings toward his head and screamed ...... !!!! CAGOENLAHOSTIA !!!!!, !!!! CAGOENLAHOSTIA !!!!!, !!!! CAGOENLAHOSTIA !!!!! I’VE KILLED THE MOTORCYCLIST !!!!!!!!

lunes, noviembre 13, 2006

Dear friends,

Last day, I was watching on TV a documentary about how popular is nowadays the system for meeting people on line. They were talking about the millions and millions of options that internet offer to you , and apart from it, now you can also to work at home, to buy, to make the procedures with your bank, to travel ( virtually, of course ) , etc and you can "also" practice “virtually sex” without move your bottom from your chair and your face from your computer. I was listening and when it finished I thought : what kind of people we are creating ?. If we don’t go out neither go shopping , if we only make friend through internet by chat ( where is easy to tell lies because you can’t see their eyes ), if you don’t have the obligation of thinking what I should wear today to go working ( if you are at home to can wear a pyjama all the day ) o what I may cook today ? If you main worry is to connect your computer and to buy your lunch. What kind of “androids” the society is creating ? . If you check , especially at the cities, every day many people are walking along the street with the “ automatic pilot”. People practically are not mixed with other ones. How many people are living in the same place for years and they don’t know their neighbours? The internet phenomenon is great but … in fact we have won more than we have lost ? I don’t know, sometimes I’m frightened how fast is going on everything. I get the feeling that a lot of technology, rather than help us , it is causing that people go back and to become much solitaries. It’s a pity thing because they are a lot of people for who their computer is their best friend…. can you believe it ? My advice is , if you are these kind of people that are beginning to be up of your computer , go out and try to meet people . I know that sometimes it’s difficult but when you achieve it you will see that it quite different and nice than to talk them by internet because you will change impressions with someone who you can smile, to look , etc better than with someone of who you can’t say his or her eyes’ colours Or , of course I know that is more expensive to go around the world than with your computer but the feeling … per exemple :

can you feel the smell of these flowers ?


or could you explain the sensations of being in the middle of the desert....

In short, not put limits to your world, there are a lot of wonderful things outside your rooms to look and to feel.

Well, as I always said , this is my oppinion and I'd be happy to receiving your ones.

See you in class
