viernes, diciembre 15, 2006

Hi classmates,

I’m very worry and upset because yesterday we did exams of writing, reading , listening and I don’t understand why but It’s quite difficult for me to write a comment on a piece of paper instead to do it on my blog. I’m sure that I had done a lot of mistakes, because, due to the fact that It was a exam and I knew it I felt under preassure. The difference is that when I’m writing on my blog , I’m alone in my bedroom thinking only in the matter that I want to transmit you and not about the marks that I have obtained. In short , I need to practice my writing style and the way to improve it , it’s writing and writing and reading and reading . But It’ll be starting from next year !!!! Because I need some calm days for relaxing my mind, since in these months, I have had so much new information or knowledge apart from the ones I had in my brain’s stock and I must leave some space and also to check which one I must delete and one I must keep, if not, I won't be able to learn much new things next year …. and I know this new year will be quite difficult , why ?, because, we are in fourth level and we have to obtain a very good level during this year , since , next level is the last one !!!!. Well, I’m not sure if I’ll past this course or not ……. I’d like because my classmates are fantastic and I’d like to finish my English lesson with them but…..It’ll depend on how I improve my English . Well , I’ll try it .

Although I suppose, I’ll write something during Christmas days , but just in case I don’t it…… I’d like to wish you MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THE BEST FOR THE NEW YEAR and be careful with the excess during these days ok ?




At 14:28, Anonymous Anónimo said...

I know, my dear Aire, that it is not the same writing in the calmness of your bedroom or writing in class with the preassure of the exam... I know. I hope you will also understand that writing often in your blogs helps you write better when you have to, when you must. Do you see the point?
I am reading your exams and I am recognizing some of the writers because of how and what they write... Amazing, isn't it?

There are some mistakes in this text. Try to find them before I come back to you!

At 14:55, Blogger Aire said...


I know the best thing to improve my english is to write and write.

Tomorrow I'll ckeck again my comment in order to find where are the mistakes.


At 15:25, Blogger Ladybird said...

Hi my friend! I wish you too Merry Christmas and a succesful happy new year. Don´t worry about your writing problems on the exam. I’m sure the blog experience will give us more writing fluency and, at the end of the year when we will compare our style with the one we had at the beginning of the year, we will discover you much we have learnt.

At 12:39, Blogger Eddie_IM said...

I also have problems on writng at a piece of paper as I do lots of spelling mistakes and in a paper I don't have spellcheck. I also have problems on thinking what I should write and while writing in a blog I don't have a time limit. But you'll see how you can get on and improve your English. If you hadn't mistakes while writing in English you won't be on forth.

Merry Christmas

At 20:19, Anonymous Anónimo said...

What's the matter aire? Are you stuck?

At 21:46, Anonymous Anónimo said...

I was going through the list.
Christmas was a long time ago... wasn't it?
Time to renew!

At 11:36, Anonymous Anónimo said...

What about writing a bit more! Time, isn't it?


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