sábado, noviembre 25, 2006

Dear Friends,

This week , I didn’t know about what to comment on my blog and I remembered about a news that I watched on TV yesterday. It was about the visit of Mr. Bush to Vietnam. Their welcome was correct, because the Vietnamese are very pacific and hearty,

in spite of the fact that both countries “shared” and continue on nowadays sharing bad memories. There are a lot of Vietnamites that are suffering terrible malformations due to the Orange Gas which was thrown by USA during the Vietnam war to eliminate the Vietcom and , of course , what to say about the American’s veteran who are suffering , apart of malformations, amputates and in my opinnion the worse thing “ terrible nightmare “ .

This summer, I went to Vietnam. My trip started in the North ( communist side ) and I was going down till the South ( capitalist side ) of the country. I visited one of the museum they have addressed to the war, you could notice how bad can be the human because it’s not understood what things could cause so much hatred for doing such atrocity. The thing which more impressed me was a photo of a mountain of dead people . At the top of the mountain, there were three pregnant women and next to them there were two babies who their mam were embrace . I couldn’t avoir to cry till my visit end, and I’d like to add that It’s not easy for me to cry ; I considered myself a very strong person. But , I think it’s good to see these things , so that , people deliberate or think about this dark side that all of us have and which we must try to dominate to avoir that things were repeated again. I know it’s a quite difficult thing ( see Irak, Palestina..... ) , but I want to think that nowadays there are more people become aware than before, who thinks that with violence only we can get much violence and nothing else.

Well , I’d like to write about the good of my trip because there were a lot of wonderful experiences . As I’ve commented before, my trip started in the North , exactly in Hanoi. Despite Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, there are much difference between it and Ho Chi Minh which is the business capital. In Hanoi you can’t practically find a home where there is water and more of them neither have light during the whole day , only six or seven hours per day. For that reason, it’s very normal to see people cleaning their hair outside their house in the middle of the street.

The infrastructures are quite bad ( except the sides where the hotels or museum, or turistic places are ) . The street markets are quite precarious.

However , in Ho Chi Minh ( Saigon ) you can find the best shops like Guchi, and Mango ( yes !!! there is a Mando shop in Saigon ) or fantastic hotels, etc.

In Hanoi the most popular transport to go from one place to another one is the motorbike .

The first day , when I arrived , I was a little frightened because there were in thousands

and when you wanted to cross the street you had to pass between them . There are traffics lights but it’s a rule of them ( only in Hanoi ) that people cross the street without bearing in mind the traffic light . Of course their speed is not like the speed we have in Barna and always when they find in from of them a pedestrian, they reduce and wait till you cross the street. But the first impression you have is AHHHHHHHH!!! !!!!!. As my comment is quite long ... and I don’t want to get bored you , next week I’d follow with more things and photos ok ? Because I have wonderful photos of the Halong Bay:

or the floating Market:

and of course the Mecong River:

and fantastic views of Danang, Hu or the jungle, etc:

In my next presentation , I’m going to comment you about some funny anecdotes and also I’m going to explain about one of my past drag. It means that when I visit other places I always make good use of my trip and I try to achieve a thing which to cause me a drag like my panic to the crocodile .... Did you remenber about the comment I did of Costa Rica ?

I hope you've enjoyed with my comment,

See you in classe,



At 16:21, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Hi aire,

very interesating and nice post, and fantastic pictures!
Thanks for the Vietnam aticle, I have learnt new things.

At 17:00, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Beautiful pictures and interesting post! Quite well written by the way.Just a few things to observe;

You say:
-American’s veteran
-who are suffering , apart of malformations, amputates and in my opinnion (spell check this word!!!) the worse thing “ terrible nightmare “ .
-one of the museum
-The thing which more impressed me
-two babies who their mam were embrace (Please rephrase. I'm not sure what you want to say.)
-avoir (used more than once... spell check!)
-till my visit end
-I want to think that nowadays there are more people become aware than before, who thinks that with violence only (mistake #1 from the list) we can get much violence
-there are much difference between it and Ho Chi Minh
-traffics lights (mistake #4)
-when they find in from of them a pedestrian
-to get bored you

-You should say:
-American veterans
-who are suffering , apart from malformations, amputations and in my opinion the worse thing, “terrible nightmares“ .
-one of the museumS
-The thing which most impressed me
-till my visit endED (or) till the end of my visit...
-I want to think that nowadays there are more people who become more aware than before. People who think that with violence we can only get violence
-there are many differences between this and Ho Chi Minh
-when they find a pedestrian in froNT of them
-to get you bored

At 09:04, Blogger Ladybird said...

Hi Aire. Congratulations for your post. It´s wonderful and, as Nuria had said, very well written. I love Asia and I have enjoyed a lot all the pictures you have posted because they remember me some of my trips. I have never been in Vietnam but I saw some years ago Mekong river from the Thai border (at the famous golden triangle). About the motorcicles, yesssss, I had the same feeling. You think you´ll never be able to cross that street!. I´m considering myself to post some pictures on one of my next posts. Anyway, and again, congratulations, it´s a wonderful post and I’m waiting for the second part.

At 15:47, Blogger Maia said...

Nice pictures and interesting things!
I have learnt new things with your post!
About your comment in my blog, I agree with you because in some places it's very difficult to park the car and so expensive!

At 13:03, Blogger brujarula said...

Hi aire! I really enjoy your post. I have learnt a few things that I don't know before. Congratulations!


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