sábado, mayo 12, 2007


Finally, today I am going to write about my trip to Egypt.

This will be my last blog. It has been a nice experience although I think that unfortunately it hasn’t served me too much because I believe that I’m going to repeat 4 level and I don’t know what will happen with my English because if I must repeat……… but anyway already I want to write about Egypt.

My trip began in Aswan and I was going down until Cairo doing scales in several places.

My first visit was Abu Simbel.

This temple was rescued since, if not, due to the construction of the prey It had been covered by water of the Nile. The sun only enters until the end of the temple ( they can’t explained how the ancients Egyptians obtained this effect ) the 21 of February (the day that Rameses raised to the throne and my birthday’s day ) and the 21 of October (the day of his death).

The temple of Kom Ombo is located on a promontory in a curve of the Nile. The oldest king whose name appears in the temple is Ptolomeo. The temple is dedicated to two tríadas (union of three Gods) of divinities: Sobek, Hathor and Khons (Horus the older). I can explain you but it is impressive….

My following visit was the temple of Horus (the God falcón). This temple is the one that better conserved and important in Egypt after of Karnak’s temple. It’s 137 meters long by 79 of wide and 36 of height and ..... It's impressive.

My following visit was the Temple of Karnak. This temple consists of the great temple of Amón, some smaller temples, chapels and the holy lake. All the set is surrounded by a wall by of 8 meters of thickness and 2400 of perimeter. It has 8 stone doors two of them are monumentals. The temple is preceded by an avenue of esfinges formed by 40 esfinges with sheep head.

My following visit was my preferred Temple, the Temple of Luxor. This temple was built by two Pharaohs , Amenhotep III and Rameses II. In the entrance we can see the famous sedentes statues of Rameses II, the courtyard has 55 meters and is impressive ..... precious….( I suppose that you can note that Egypt is one of my passions ) .

My following visit was the Temple of Hathshepsut that unfortunately is known because over there was where the slaughter of tourist by the integrists . Also it's impressive.

Later I visited the Colossuses of Memnon ...... With this photo you can see how huge they are ….

The Valley of the Kings where I visited several tombs.

And finally the Cairo. When we were visiting the pyramids a sand storm surprised us… in this photo you can’t appreciate it very well but I couldn’t breathe nor almost see. For that reason I was wearing a scarf covering my face.

In Cairo

I visited the museum of the Cairo… although it is a pain that most of their antiques are distributed between Paris and London. Also I visited the Mosque’s Alabaster that was finished in 1848 and is totally covered of alabaster; for that reason it is called with this name. It has a small square tower on which there is a clock, gift of Luis - Felipe in 1846. Also I visited the Khan-a Bazaar - the Khalili that is very amused and I smoked the typical pipe of there in a very typical coffee that is called the Coffee of the Mirrors.

Later on I visited Menfis and Sakakara, where there is the stepped pyramid.

An also I visited Alexandria

This is one of President of Egipt’s house……… in Alexandria

Alexandria's coastal

the Alexandria's Library (fantastic place and very very interesting )

and the catatumbas where it said that Alexandro Magno is buried ...... I saw many bones but I can’t assure that one of them belong to him……

In short it was a wonderful trip, people are nice and I think I will visit Egipt again because my trip has been a week and it is needed more time to visit everything more thoroughly.

Thanks to all of you for visiting and leaving notes on my blog. It has been a pleasure to meet you and I hope we can have the opportunity to be altogether next year in 5 level .....

A lot of kisses