domingo, octubre 29, 2006

Last Friday , We visited Caixa Forum to see Henry Moore’s exposition. I can write about his life or the changes that his work suffered due to the Second World War , his mother died or his’ daughter born but I’d prefer to write about the sensation that I had when I was looking at my favourite Henry Moore’s sculpture. I can't remember how it’s named but for me It’s Mother, Child and Father. When I visited the exposition, and I had the opportunity to be near of this sculpture, I felt very happy because I had always seen it in photos or on TV but I could never be so near that allow me touching it. I knew that our teacher had warned us in class that It wasn’t allowed to do it but I did ( I’m sorry ) , not too much only the necessary to notice its power. It means that when you touch a piece of art you like, you can feel exactly the reason why you have chosen this one and not other one. Well, I like this sculpture because in my opinion it reflects the power that woman have since the beginning .It means that in spite of the fact that fathers are important , of course , between mother-child there is a special and unbreakable link. You can see it through the vision of this sculpture. There are three persons, a mother taking her child and a father . You can realize that woman is the main support of the child despite father also helps her with the weigh of the child. I’m not sure if you can understand through my feeling what I want to say . In my opinion , since the beginning, woman have the main responsibility of the child because She has to feed him, first inside her womb and later on She continues feeding him or her till , at least , They can eat by themselves. Well , this is my opinion and when I check this sculpture I feel that Henry Moore knew the important woman paper in the life. Waiting your comment, see you in class, Aire

sábado, octubre 21, 2006

Hi, friends,

As I promised you , I have prepared some photos about, not my last summer-trip ( as I said to you previously ) if not , about the previous to this one.

I went to Costa Rica and It was a fantastic experince because I like the nature and to see animals in their natural habitat and not in cage.

Costa Rica is known as "PURA VIDA ". It means that everything there is alive.

Costa Rica has about 36 natural park.

I have a lot of wonderful anecdotes . I'd like to tell you one of them with the support of my friend Lila.

She is Lila and I met her in a morning that I woke up at five o'clock because I wanted to watch the sunrise. I didn't remenber that I was in a small house located in the middle of the jungle , so I opened the door as I was in Barna and went out into the small garden. I was looking around when suddenly I saw something in from of me. It was an enormous Iguana. She looked at me I suppose thinking " Who are you and what are you doing in my garden ? " I wasn't able to move. She began to walk toward me carefully, as if , she was thinking " don't worry lady there is enough space for both. I was still paralyzed when She passed so near of me that I felt as She brushed against my leg and followed her way. I sat down in a small chair to assimilate the experience when I realized that there was something near me again . I looked below and I saw to Lile slepping over my foots.

Well It was one of the so many experinces I had there.

Apart from the enormous quantity of animals that you can see in their natural habitat and you can't find in other places , Costa Rica has wonderful beaches as Playa de San Antonio ( the picture above )

and fantastic jungle where you can find a lot of different plants' species.

Not everything there is nice because Costa Rica is also a dangerous place since a lot of these animals would like to "EAT YOU " . As you can check in the above picture , there are " fantastic crocodiles always waiting ...... so it's very important that you always visit the jungle with a Costarriquense' guide.

As I said to you before, It's more important to go around with a special guide because it's not more difficult to see a crocodile but it's easy not to see this nice spider and its bite can kill you in 15 minutes if anybody has the antidote ... and if you are in the middle of the jungle ... The Costarriquenses guides always carry a small first-aid kit with different antidotes.

I can write and write about Costa Rica but I need to leave something for the next time. I'd like to add that if you visit Costa Rica you will able to do a lot of different things like " senderismo ", " puenting" or " Tirolina ". When I visited Monte Verde's park , I did Tirolina . It was an anexplained experience . When you are at, I don't know exactly the height, and you only can listen the wind in your face and you are alone ..... I repeat , you must live it ... nobody can explain the feeling .

If you want to receive full information about Costa Rica, don't hesitate to contact with me directly in this blogs with your comment. I'll try to reply you as soon as .
Well , I'd like ( so much ) to receive your comments about my writting style and of course it would be fine to receive your ideas of how I can or what I must do to improve my English.
Thanks, see you on Tuesday in clase,

viernes, octubre 20, 2006

Hello, As I promited you , I'm preparing a photographic album about, not my
last summer-trip ( as I said to you ) but the previous to this one.
I went to Costa Rica and It was a fantastic experince . I suppose that , starting from
tomorrow, you can check my photos along with my redaction style . I'd like ( if
you want ) to receive you suggestion about how I can or what I have to
change to improve my English and writing.

I suppose that you can add your comment to my Blog no ? I'm not sure if it
works properly....

See you ,


miércoles, octubre 18, 2006


This is my first blog. I'm not sure about how to design it but ... well.

I'm preparing a photograph album of my last summer-trip. I suppose that next week you'll be able to see them, ok ? See you soon